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- /*
- ** $Source: hog:Other/networking/sana2/src/slip/RCS/slip_device.h,v $
- ** $State: Exp $
- ** $Revision: 37.2 $
- ** $Date: 92/08/25 16:43:51 $
- ** $Author: kcd $
- **
- ** SANA-II Example device driver C include file
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1992 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/devices.h>
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #include <exec/semaphores.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include "devices/sana2.h"
- #include <devices/serial.h>
- /*
- ** Choose here if you want slip or compressed slip
- */
- #ifndef CSLIP
- #define CSLIP 1
- #endif
- #if CSLIP
- #include "cslip.h"
- #else
- #define MAX_HDR 0
- #endif
- /*
- ** Stacksize and Priority of the Unit Process
- */
- #define SLIP_STACKSIZE 4000
- #define SLIP_PRI 5
- /*
- ** Maximum Transmission Unit
- */
- #define SLIP_MTU 1006
- #define BUF_SLOP 4
- /*
- ** Max # of Units allowed
- */
- #define SD_MAXUNITS 8
- /*
- ** Message passed to the Unit Process at
- ** startup time.
- */
- struct StartupMessage
- {
- struct Message Msg;
- struct Unit *Unit;
- struct Device *Device;
- };
- /*
- ** Device Data Structure
- */
- struct SLIPDevice
- {
- struct Library sd_Device;
- UBYTE sd_Flags;
- UBYTE sd_Pad1;
- struct Library *sd_SysBase;
- struct Library *sd_DOSBase;
- ULONG sd_DosTag[10];
- BPTR sd_SegList;
- struct Unit *sd_Units[SD_MAXUNITS];
- struct SignalSemaphore sd_Lock;
- struct StartupMessage sd_Startup;
- };
- /*
- ** Typedef's for the SANA-II callback functions.
- ** Rhialto: It would be nice to specify the registers explicitly,
- ** instead of hoping the compiler options include ARGS=REGS, and that
- ** the compiler selected registers would match the requirements.
- */
- #ifdef __SASC
- #define ASM __asm
- #define REG(x) register __ ## x
- #else
- #error Please define ASM and REG for your compiler
- #endif
- typedef BOOL (*ASM SANA2_CFB)(REG(a0) APTR to, REG(a1) APTR from, REG(d0) LONG length);
- typedef BOOL (*ASM SANA2_CTB)(REG(a0) APTR to, REG(a1) APTR from, REG(d0) LONG length);
- struct BufferManagement
- {
- struct MinNode bm_Node;
- SANA2_CFB bm_CopyFromBuffer;
- SANA2_CTB bm_CopyToBuffer;
- };
- struct SuperS2PTStats
- {
- struct MinNode ss_Node;
- ULONG ss_PType;
- struct Sana2PacketTypeStats ss_Stats;
- };
- /*
- ** Unit Data Structure
- */
- struct SLIPDevUnit
- {
- struct Unit sdu_Unit; /* Standard Unit Structure */
- UBYTE sdu_UnitNum; /* Unit number */
- UBYTE sdu_Reserved0; /* Padding */
- struct Device *sdu_Device; /* Pointer to our device node */
- ULONG sdu_StAddr; /* Our current address */
- ULONG sdu_HwAddr; /* Our "hardware" address (Rhialto)*/
- ULONG sdu_BaudRate; /* Serial baud rate */
- ULONG sdu_SerUnitNum; /* Serial driver unit number */
- BOOL sdu_NoMore; /* ??? */
- BOOL sdu_Escape; /* SLIP Decode state */
- ULONG sdu_State; /* Various state information */
- struct IOExtSer *sdu_SerRx; /* Serial IORequest for CMD_READ's */
- struct IOExtSer *sdu_SerTx; /* Serial IORequest for CMD_WRITE's */
- struct MsgPort *sdu_RxPort; /* Serial CMD_READ IORequest reply port */
- struct MsgPort *sdu_TxPort; /* Serial CMD_WRITE IORequest reply port */
- UBYTE *sdu_RxBuff; /* Buffer for holding decoded packets */
- UBYTE *sdu_RxBuffPtr; /* Current place in decode buffer */
- UBYTE *sdu_TxBuff; /* Temporary buffer for hold unencoded outgoing packets */
- UBYTE *sdu_RxSLIP; /* Two buffers that hold packets encoded */
- UBYTE *sdu_TxSLIP; /* in SLIP format. */
- struct Process *sdu_Proc; /* NB: This points to the Task, not the MsgPort */
- struct SignalSemaphore sdu_ListLock; /* A Semaphore for access to all of our queues. */
- struct MinList sdu_Rx; /* Pending CMD_READ's */
- struct MinList sdu_RxOrph; /* Pending CMD_READORPHAN's */
- struct MinList sdu_Tx; /* Pending CMD_WRITE's */
- struct MinList sdu_Events; /* Pending S2_ONEVENT's */
- struct SuperS2PTStats *sdu_IPTrack; /* For tracking IP packets */
- struct MinList sdu_Track; /* List of packet types being tracked */
- struct MinList sdu_BuffMgmt; /* List of Callback routines */
- struct Sana2DeviceStats sdu_Stats; /* Global device statistics */
- UBYTE sdu_SerDevName[32]; /* Name of the serial driver to use */
- #if CSLIP
- struct slcompress sdu_slcompress;
- #endif
- };
- /*
- ** State bits for sdu_State
- */
- #define SLIPUB_CONFIG 0
- #define SLIPUB_ONLINE 1
- #define SLIPUB_CD 3
- #define SLIPUB_7WIRE 5
- #define SLIPUF_CD (1<<SLIPUB_CD)
- #define SLIPUF_7WIRE (1<<SLIPUB_7WIRE)
- /*
- ** Device Name
- */
- #if CSLIP
- #define SLIPDEVNAME "cslip.device"
- #else
- #define SLIPDEVNAME "slip.device"
- #endif
- extern char SLIPName[];
- /*
- ** Packet Encoding Bytes
- */
- #define SLIP_END 192
- #define SLIP_ESC 219
- #define SLIP_ESC_END 220
- #define SLIP_ESC_ESC 221
- /*
- ** Compiler Magic
- **
- ** (Rhialto) This is terrible!!! That people write code like this!
- ** How can you be sure the compiler won't use A6 for a register variable
- ** somewhere and make it unusable in the functions that it calls?
- ** (in fact, SAS/C 6.2 does something that, in ReadConfig..., when it
- ** first calls an Exec function and then a DOS function)
- */
- #ifdef notdef
- #define SLIPBase ((struct SLIPDevice *)__builtin_getreg(14)) /* Avoid the pre-processor problem */
- #else
- #define SLIPBase ExtDeviceBase
- #endif
- #define SysBase (SLIPBase->sd_SysBase)
- #define DOSBase (SLIPBase->sd_DOSBase)